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Set of 3 Altar Linen with Cross with IHS

Set of 3 Altar Linens - 1 Corporal, 1 Purificator & 1 Lavabo Towel

Product Code :  SALE_C07_5W_W3_AL
Price                :  $7.99
Product Details

These Altar Linens are made of Cotton/Linen blend fabric. All the linens come with a red cross made of rayon yarn on the side /center as per the liturgy and the linens are bordered with white lace at the ends.


  • Corporal: 20 inches x 20 inches
  • Purificator: 14 inches x 20 inches
  • Finger Towels: 14 inches x 20 inches

The Altar Linens consists of the corporal, pall, purificator, and Lavabo towels (also known as finger-towels).
Corporals: a corporal is placed beneath all Sacred vessels (chalice & ciboriums) during the Holy Mass. One of the purposes of the corporal is to contain whatever small particles of the consecrated host may be left at the conclusion of Mass. The corporal should be white in color and of sufficient dimensions so that at least the main chalice and paten may be placed upon it completely.
Purificators: Purificators are used to wipe the Precious Blood from the lip of the chalice and to purify sacred vessels. They should be white in color.
Lavabo Towels: also known as Finger Towels are used for the washing of the hands (lavabo) of the priest celebrant in the course of the preparation of the gifts and the altar. The lavabo towel should be of adequate size and sufficiently absorbent for drying his hands.


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